
One of our aims is to encourage exchange of ideas and scientific collaboration at all levels among researchers.

Prof. Daniel Starcynowski collaboration

Prof. Daniel Starcynowski, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 240 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA.

2015. Collaboration as part of an experimental study on the effects of Eltrombopag on hematopoietic functions of bone marrow cells from patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes.
Bone marrow cells of MDS patients at diagnosis (both from Eltrombopag responders and non-responders) were analysed for the progenitor function of the myeloid/erythroid and megakaryocytic lines after in vitro treatment with Eltrombopag.

The formation of Megakaryocytic progenitor cell colony was measured for 7 days with MegaCult-C-Collagen. Erythroid/myeloid progenitor cell function was measured for 7 days with MethoCult.
The expectation of the study was that patients who had a hematological response to Eltrombopag would show an increase in myeloid and megakaryocyte progenitor cell activity after in vitro stimulation with Eltrombopag.

Dr. Austin Kulasekararaj collaboration

Dr. Austin Kulasekararaj, MBBS MD MRCP FRCPath, Department of Haematology , King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS, UK

2018. The collaboration involved the study of samples from patients receiving Eltrombopag. Eltrombopag is an agent that acts through the thrombopoietin receptor. It can increase platelet counts and is currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the management of immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
Since low platelet counts are a problem in patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), therapies that can help improve platelet counts are needed. This drug is still in phase II clinical trials for MDS patients co-ordinated by QOL-ONE under Dr. Esther Natalie Oliva’s guidance.

The aim of this collaboration was to determine whether treatment with Eltrombopag induces megakaryopoiesis and other biological changes in MDS patients by means of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and gene expression profiling.

Prof. Seishi Ogawa

Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Kioto University, 606-8501 Yoshida-Konoe-Cho, Sakyoku, Kyoto City, Kyoto, Giappone.

2020. Collaboration as part of a translational study project involving the analysis of biological samples from the following studies promoted by QOL-ONE Association:

• “A Randomized Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of 5-Aza for Post-Remission Therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Elderly Patients”, QoLESS AZA-AMLE, EudraCT number 2010-019710-24

• “Eltrombopag for the Treatment of Thrombocytopenia due to  Low and Intermediate Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes”,  EQoL MDS, EudraCT number 2010-022890-33

Laboratorio di Genetica Medica del Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Bianchi Melacrino Morelli di Reggio Calabria

Via Giuseppe Melacrino 21, 89124, Reggio Calabria, Italia.

Dal 2010 ad oggi QOL-ONE si avvale della collaborazione del Laboratorio di Genetica Medica per la conduzione delle sperimentazioni cliniche, delle quali è promotrice.

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Supporting innovation to improve the quality of life in patients suffering from hematological diseases.


Via C. Quattrone n°8 Pellaro
Reggio Calabria 89134


+39 329 869 9514
